List of active participants
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EasyChair ID | Participant name | University | Tile of contribution | Abstract accepted | Review | Payment received |
1 | Vrbova Lucie | University of Economics in Prague | Empirical research of restricted criteria range for multiple criteria transformation in public contracts | Yes | No | |
2 | Kalina Jan | The Czech Academy of Sciences | Some robust distances for multivariate data | Yes | Yes | Yes |
3 | Zimmermann Karel | Charles University | One Type of Activity Synchronization Problems | Yes | Yes | Yes |
4 | Litva Dusan | University of Economics in Prague | Sustainability of Fiscal Policy in Czech Republic in 2016-2020 | Yes | No | |
5 | Bernatik Werner | Silesian University in Opava | The utilization of Break-even-point diagram (BEP) in economic practice | Yes | No | |
6 | Bílková Diana | University of Economics in Prague | Trimmed L-Moments in Modeling Income Distribution | Yes | Yes | Yes |
7 | Horniacek Milan | Comenius University in Bratislava | Recursive Core of an OLG Economy with Production and Comprehensive Agreements | Yes | Yes | Yes |
8 | Buczek Aleksander | University of Technology, Wroclaw | Accelerated time failure model for legal merger time to completion | Yes | Yes | Yes |
9 | Pražák Pavel | University of Hradec Kralove | Dynamics Model of Firms' Income Tax | Yes | Yes | Yes |
10 | Lipovska Hana | Masaryk University | Deflationary spiral in the European Union | Yes | No | |
11 | Jähn Hendrik | Chemnitz University of Technology | Selected Problems of a Performance Analysis Approach for networked Production Structures and their quantitative Solutions | Yes | Yes | Yes |
12 | Piasecki Krzysztof | Poznań University of Economics | The intuitionistic fuzzy investment recommendations | Yes | Yes | Yes |
13 | Hřebík Radek | Czech Technical University in Prague | Optimum Clustering of Macroeconomical Changes | Yes | No | |
14 | Šlaichová Eva | Technical University of Liberec | A Computer-Based VBA model for optimal spare parts logistics management in a manufacturing maintenance system | Yes | Yes | Yes |
15 | Gajdos Milan | University of Zilina | Managing Policy Interventions: Counterfactual analysis as a baseline for decision-making | Yes | No | |
16 | Kukal Jaromír | FNSPE CTU in Prague | Estimation of Alpha Stable Distribution without Numerical Dificulties | Yes | Yes | Yes |
17 | Žižka Miroslav | Technical University of Liberec | Effectiveness and Efficiency of Fast Train Lines in the Czech Republic | Yes | Yes | Yes |
18 | Nadirov Orkhan | Tomas Bata University in Zlin | Taxation and motivation to work in Czech Republic: Calibrations and numerical experiments | Yes | No | |
19 | Hedvicakova Martina | University of Hradec Kralove | Mortgage banking | Yes | No | |
20 | Mojzeš Matej | FNSPE CTU in Prague | Annealing Based Integer Optimization Heuristic with Lévy Flights | Yes | Yes | Yes |
21 | Dlask Martin | Czech Technical University in Prague | Fractional Brownian Bridge as a Tool for Short Time Series Analysis | Yes | Yes | Yes |
22 | Sixta Jaroslav | University of Economics in Prague | Possibilities of Regional Input-Output Analysis of Czech Economy | Yes | Yes | Yes |
23 | Cejka Jiri | Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice | Optimization of distribution routes through the Clarke-Wright method | Yes | No | |
24 | Pelikan Jan | University of Economics Prague | Heuristics for VRP with Private and Common Carriers | Yes | Yes | Yes |
25 | Šnor Jakub | FNSPE CTU in Prague | Similarity of Stock Market Series Analyzed in Hilbert Space | Yes | Yes | Yes |
26 | Hašková Simona | Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice | Evaluation of Project Investments Based on Comprehensive Risk | Yes | Yes | Yes |
27 | Borovička Adam | University of Economics in Prague | Selection of the bank and investment products via stochastic multicriteria evaluation method | Yes | Yes | Yes |
28 | Dvořák Marek | University of Economics in Prague | Data Extension for Stock Market Analysis | Yes | Yes | Yes |
29 | Roubalová Lenka | Mendel Univeristy in Brno | The main inflationary factors in the Visegrad Four | Yes | Yes | Yes |
30 | Zbranek Jaroslav | University of Economics in Prague | Using Semi-dynamic Input-Output Model for the Analysis of Large Investment Projects | Yes | Yes | Yes |
31 | Kaspříková Nikola | University of Economics in Prague | Economic efficiency of AOQL variables sampling plans | Yes | Yes | Yes |
32 | Bucki Robert | Institute of Management and Information Technology Bielsko-Biala | Information Support for Solving the Order Priority Problem in Business Logistic Systems | Yes | Yes | Yes |
33 | Marek Patrice | University of West Bohemia | Efficient Distribution of Investment Capital | Yes | Yes | Yes |
34 | Volf Petr | Technical University of Liberec | On Newsvendor Model and Optimal Selling Price | Yes | Yes | Yes |
35 | Lysa Ludmila | Catholic University in Ruzomberok | Index of Economic Freedom in Slovakia | Yes | No | |
36 | Ticha Michaela | University of Economics in Prague | Multicriteria coalitional game with choice from payoffs | Yes | Yes | Yes |
37 | Nejedlová Dana | Technical University of Liberec | Prediction of Daily Traffic Accident Counts and Related Economic Damage in the Czech Republic | Yes | Yes | Yes |
38 | Rokita Pawel | Wroclaw University of Economics | Coherent measures of risk for a life-long household financial plan – postulates and properties | Yes | Yes | Yes |
39 | Kresta Aleš | Technical University of Ostrava | Evaluation of market risk models: DEA approach with changed weights | Yes | Yes | Yes |
40 | Ortobelli Sergio | University of Bergamo | Parametric rules for stochastic comparisons | Yes | Yes | Yes |
41 | Dlouhy Martin | University of Economics in Prague | A Formulation and Application of Multicriteria Voting Game | Yes | Yes | Yes |
42 | Kaňka Miloš | University of Economics in Prague | Linear combination of B-spline basis functions related to cut-off polynomials and vice versa | Yes | No | |
43 | Formanek Tomas | University of Economics in Prague | On the stability of spatial econometric models: Application to the Czech Republic and its neighbors | Yes | Yes | Yes |
44 | Zámková Martina | College of Polytechnics Jihlava | The evaluation of factors influencing flight delay at popular destinations of Czech tourists | Yes | Yes | Yes |
45 | Tran Quang Van | University of Economics in Prague | Evaluating the ability to capture the heavy tail feature of asset returns of two alternative distributions | Yes | Yes | Yes |
46 | Kouaissah Noureddine | University of Bergamo | Conditional expectation estimators with applications in the portfolio theory | Yes | Yes | Yes |
47 | Cerny Michal | University of Economics in Prague | Estimation of EIV regression models via GLFP: An efficiently computable special case | Yes | Yes | Yes |
48 | Dufek Jaroslav | Charles University in Prague | Joint Estimation of Parameters of Mortgage Portfolio and the Factor Process | Yes | No | |
49 | Zimčík Petr | Masaryk University | Tax burden and economic growth in OECD countries: Two indicators comparison | Yes | Yes | Yes |
50 | Šimpach Ondřej | University of Economics in Prague | Searching for suitable method for clustering the EU regions according to their agricultural characteristics | Yes | Yes | Yes |
51 | Pechrova Marie | Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information | Valuation of the externalities from biogas stations | Yes | Yes | Yes |
52 | Lachout Petr | Charles University in Prague | Discussion on implicit econometric models | Yes | Yes | Yes |
53 | Siwek Joanna | Poznan University of Economics | Two-asset portfolio with present value given as a fuzzy number with a finite support | Yes | No | Yes |
54 | Čížek Ondřej | University of Economics in Prague | Long-Term Effects of the Current Crisis on Output in the Czech Republic | Yes | Yes | Yes |
55 | Přibyl Vladimír | University of Economics in Prague | A Note on Economy of Scale Problem in Transport with Nonlinear Cost Function of Transported Quantity | Yes | Yes | Yes |
56 | Černá Anna | University of Economics in Prague | A Note on Optimal Network of Tourist Paths Reflecting Customer Preferences | Yes | Yes | Yes |
57 | Chramcov Bronislav | Tomas Bata University in Zlín | Model Based Control of Production Flows in the Serial Logistic Process | Yes | Yes | Yes |
58 | Černá Dana | Technical University of Liberec | Adaptive Wavelet Method for the Black-Scholes Equation of European Options | Yes | Yes | Yes |
59 | Dorda Michal | Technical University of Ostrava | On queueing model of freight train classification process | Yes | Yes | Yes |
60 | Ramík Jaroslav | Silesian University in Opava | Strong Consistent Pairwise Comparisons Matrix with Fuzzy Elements and Its Use in Multi-Criteria Decision Making | Yes | Yes | Yes |
61 | Koblasa František | Technical University of Liberec | Three dimensional Bin Packing Problem in batch scheduling | Yes | Yes | Yes |
62 | Holčapek Michal | University of Ostrava | Nonparametric regression via higher degree F-transform for implied volatility surface estimation |
Yes | Yes | Yes |
63 | Bartošová Jitka | University of Economics in Prague | Equivalent Scale and its Influence on the Evaluation of Relative Welfare of the Household | Yes | Yes | Yes |
64 | Hozman Jiří | Technical University of Liberec | DG approach to numerical pricing of local volatility basket options | Yes | Yes | Yes |
65 | Krejčí Igor | Czech University of Life Sciences Prague | The simulation model of the Czech small farmer | Yes | Yes | Yes |
66 | Branda Martin | Charles University in Prague | A chance constrained investment problem with portfolio variance and skewness criteria - solution technique based on the Successive Iterative Regularization | Yes | Yes | Yes |
67 | Badura Ondřej | Technical University of Ostrava | Are remittances important for the aggregate consumption growth? | Yes | Yes | Yes |
68 | Dlouhá Zuzana | University of Economics in Prague | Earnings effects of job and educational mismatch in the graduate labour market | Yes | Yes | Yes |
69 | Szomolányi Karol | University of Economics in Bratislava | The Effect of Terms-of-Trade on Czech Business Cycles: A Theoretical and SVAR Approach | Yes | Yes | Yes |
70 | Střelec Luboš | Mendel University in Brno | Notes on Robust Testing for Normality of Error Terms with Presence of Autocorrelation and Conditional Heteroscedasticity | Yes | No | |
71 | Kvet Marek | University of Žilina | Lexicographic Fair Design of Robust Emergency Service System | Yes | Yes | Yes |
72 | Janacek Jaroslav | University of Žilina | Designing a Robust Emergency Service System by Lagrangean Relaxation | Yes | Yes | Yes |
73 | Matulová Markéta | Masaryk University | Tools for measuring competition in public services: Case study of waste management services in the CR | Yes | No | |
74 | Lankašová Radka | University of Economics in Prague | Mediation As a Tool for Process Optimization | No | No | |
75 | Podaras Athanasios | Technical University of Liberec | Optimum Classification Method of Critical IT Business Functions for Efficient Business Impact Analysis | Yes | Yes | Yes |
76 | Ungerman Otakar | Technical University of Liberec | Options of Evaluation of Identification Questions in Marketing Research | Yes | No | |
77 | Jajkowicz Ondřej | Technical University of Ostrava | Determinants of the shadow economy in the selected European Union member countries | Yes | Yes | Yes |
78 | Súkupová Karolína | Masaryk University | Modelling of an asymmetric foreign exchange rate commitment in the Czech economy. DSGE model with constraints. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
79 | Filka Jakub | Charles University in Prague | Projection of the mortality tables | Yes | No | |
80 | Pozdílková Alena | University of Pardubice | Regression analysis of social networks and platforms for tablets in European Union | Yes | Yes | Yes |
81 | Pozdílková Alena | University of Pardubice | Analysis of individual products of the Czech credit banking | No | No | |
82 | Talašová Jana | Palacký University Olomouc | Registry of Artistic Performance - the final state of the evaluation model | Yes | Yes | Yes |
83 | Stoklasa Jan | Palacký University Olomouc | On the use of linguistic labels in AHP – calibration, consistency and related issues | Yes | Yes | Yes |
84 | Peško Štefan | University of Žilina | The treatment of uncertainty in uniform workload distribution problems | Yes | Yes | Yes |
85 | Myšková Helena | Technical University of Košice | Interval matrix equations in extremal algebras | Yes | Yes | Yes |
86 | Bartoška Jan | Czech University of Life Sciences Prague | Semantic Model of Organizational Project Structure | Yes | Yes | Yes |
87 | Jablonsky Josef | University of Economics in Prague | Multi-period analysis of resource allocation among Czech economic faculties | Yes | Yes | Yes |
88 | Zavacka Jana | Technical University Ostrava | The optimal strategy of the demand following firm during a business cycle | Yes | No | |
89 | Sladký Karel | Institute of Information Theory and Automation | Transient and Average Markov Reward Chains with Applications to Finance | Yes | Yes | Yes |
90 | Kaňková Vlasta | Institute of Information Theory and Automation | A Note on Optimal Value of Loans | Yes | Yes | Yes |
91 | Echaust Krzysztof | Poznan University of Economics and Business | On the extremal dependence between stock and commodity markets | Yes | Yes | Yes |
92 | Balcerzak Adam P. | Nicolaus Copernicus University | Dynamic Panel Analysis of Influence of Quality of Human Capital on Total Factor Productivity in Old European Union Countries | Yes | No | |
93 | Fałdziński Marcin | Nicolaus Copernicus University | Cointegration of Interdependencies Among Capital Markets of Chosen Visegrad Countries and Germany | Yes | Yes | Yes |
94 | Bisová Sára | University of Economics in Prague | Czech Tourism Demand Analysis – Causality Testing in VARs | Yes | No | |
95 | Alfiero Simona | University of Torino | Efficiency from the Italian Saving Banks sector and the link with banking groups | Yes | Yes | Yes |
96 | Adámek Emil | Technical University Ostrava | The Role of Productivity in the Czech Republic: Does Balassa-Samuelson Effect still Exist? | Yes | Yes | Yes |
97 | Stoklasová Radmila | Silesian University in Opava | Basic Methods for Modeling the Spread of Influenza | Yes | No | |
98 | Rotterová Pavla | Palacký University Olomouc | Computing Fuzzy Variances of Evaluations of Alternatives in Fuzzy Decision Matrices | Yes | Yes | Yes |
99 | Pavelec Josef | University of West Bohemia Pilsen | Adaptive estimation of parameters of Markowitz model for portfolio optimization | Yes | Yes | Yes |
100 | Vašaničová Petra | University of Presov | Co-movement of Tourism Activity of V4 countries | Yes | Yes | Yes |
101 | Dvořáková Stanislava | College of Polytechnics Jihlava | Simulation of multi-parameter model of non-conventional public projects assessed by cost-benefit analysis | Yes | Yes | Yes |
102 | Pietrzak Michał | Nicolaus Copernicus University | Socio-economic Sustainability in Poland. SEM Analysis at Regional Level | Yes | No | |
103 | Sediva Blanka | University of West Bohemia in Pilsen | The Dynamic Behaviour of Wonderland Population—Development—Environment Model | Yes | Yes | Yes |
104 | Friebel Ludvík | University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice | Modelling of efficiency of the districts based on socioeconomic factors | Yes | No | |
105 | Schaynová Lucie | University of Ostrava | A client's health from the point of view of the nutrition adviser using operational research | Yes | Yes | Yes |
106 | Rychnovský Michal | University of Economics in Prague | Data Mining in the Fraud Risk Management | Yes | No | |
107 | Rozkovec Jiri | Technical University of Liberec | Posteriori setting of the weights in multi-criteria decision making in educational practice | Yes | Yes | Yes |
108 | Nawrocki Tomasz | Silesian University of Technology | Comparison of an enterprise’s financial situation assessment methods. Fuzzy approach versus discriminatory models | Yes | Yes | |
109 | Vorisek Jan | The Czech Academy of Sciences | Approximate Transition Density Estimation of the Stochastic Cusp Model | Yes | Yes | Yes |
110 | Zeug-Żebro Katarzyna | University of Economics in Katowice | The application of chosen measurres of deterministic chaos to building optimal portfolios | Yes | Yes | Yes |
111 | Cerna Lenka | University of Zilina | Income and price elasticity of demand for transport services in rail passenger transport in the Slovak republic | Yes | Yes | Yes |
112 | Horský Richard | University of Economics in Prague | The Invertibility of the General Linear Process and the Structures in Its Background | Yes | Yes | Yes |
113 | Pavlačka Ondřej | Palacký University Olomouc | Fuzzy Decision Matrices Viewed as Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems | Yes | Yes | Yes |
114 | Schürrer Jaroslav | Czech Technical University in Prague | Wavelets Comparison at Hurst Exponent Estimation | Yes | Yes | Yes |
115 | Pekár Juraj | University of Economics in Bratislava | Multiple criteria Travelling Salesman Problem | Yes | Yes | Yes |
116 | Brůha Jan | Czech National Bank | Modelling effects of oil price fluctuations in a monetary DSGE model | Yes | Yes | Yes |
117 | Bartoška Jan | Czech University of Life Sciences Prague | Modification of the EVM by Work Effort and Student Syndrome phenomenon | Yes | Yes | Yes |
118 | Marek Lubos | University of Economics in Prague | Comparison of wages in the Czech regions | Yes | Yes | Yes |
119 | Reichel Vlastimil | Masaryk University | The housing market and credit channel of monetary policy | Yes | Yes | Yes |
120 | Zapletal Frantisek | Technical University of Ostrava | Decision of a Steel Company Trading with Emissions | Yes | Yes | Yes |
121 | Vrabec Michal | University of Economics in Prague | Mixtures of probability distributions – comparison of methods | Yes | No | |
122 | Kiszová Zuzana | Silesian University in Opava | Employee Selection – Case Study Applying Analytic Hierarchy Process | Yes | Yes | Yes |
123 | Fendek Michal | University of Economics in Bratislava | Microeconomic Optimization Equilibrium Models of Demand and Supply for Network Industries Markets | Yes | Yes | Yes |
124 | Talášek Tomáš | Palacky University Olomouc | The role of distance and similarity in Bonissone’s linguistic approximation method - a numerical study | Yes | Yes | Yes |
125 | Fendekova Eleonora | University of Economics in Bratislava | Models of quantitative analysis of the competitive environment in the Slovak banking sector | Yes | Yes | Yes |
126 | Szczeponková Lucie | Technical University of Ostrava | Finanční služby a malé a střední podniky v ČR | No | No | |
127 | Franek Jiří | Technical University of Ostrava | Application of selecting measures in data envelopment analysis on company performance ranking | Yes | Yes | Yes |
128 | Keshavarz Esmaiel | Islamic Azad University | A single-stage approach for selecting inputs/outputs in DEA | Yes | Yes | Yes |
129 | Němec Daniel | Masaryk University | Wage rigidities and labour market performance in the Czech Republic | Yes | Yes | Yes |
130 | Kozel Petr | Technical University of Ostrava | The transformation of task to locate a minimal Hamiltonian circuit on the task to find the Eulerian path in solving the routing tasks | Yes | No | |
131 | Hofman Jiří | University of West Bohemia | Detection of Feasible Domains of Interpolation Parameters within Generalized EOQ Type Inventory Models | Yes | Yes | Yes |
132 | Lukáš Ladislav | University of West Bohemia | American Option Pricing Problem Formulated as Variational Inequality Problem | Yes | Yes | Yes |
133 | Mičudová Kateřina | University of West Bohemia | Various Interest Rates Models Used within Real Options Valuation Tools | Yes | Yes | Yes |
134 | Chytilová Lucie | Technical University of Ostrava | The Comparison of DEA and PROMETHEE method to evaluate the environmental efficiency of national steel sectors in Europe | Yes | Yes | Yes |
135 | Čičková Zuzana | University of Economics in Bratislava | Capacited vehicle routing problem with time restriction using minimal number of vehicles | Yes | Yes | Yes |
136 | Rajda-Tasior Angelina | University of Economics in Katowice | A simulation study of the correlation impact for the selected control charts | Yes | No | |
137 | Mielcova Elena | Univerzity in Opava | Application of Coalitional Values on Real Voting Data | Yes | Yes | Yes |
138 | Bukova Bibiana | University of Zilina | Determinants of EU transport market | Yes | No | |
139 | Hendrych Radek | Charles University in Prague | On Comparing Various EWMA Model Estimators: Value at Risk Perspective | Yes | Yes | Yes |
140 | Petrová Barbora | Charles University in Prague | Multidimensional stochastic dominance for discrete distribution | Yes | Yes | Yes |
141 | Majer Tomáš | University of Zilina | Rescue System Resistance to Failures in a Transport Network | Yes | Yes | Yes |
142 | Fiala Petr | University of Economics in Prague | Efficient project portfolio designing | Yes | Yes | Yes |
143 | Kodera Jan | University of Economics in Prague | Deriving a discrete growth model with endogenous technological change | Yes | Yes | Yes |
144 | Kotatkova Stranska Pavla | University of Pardubice | Sensitivity analysis of MACD indicator on selection of input periods combination | Yes | Yes | Yes |
145 | Kapounek Svatopluk | Mendel University in Brno | Google Trends and Exchange Rate Movements: Evidence from Wavelet Analysis | Yes | Yes | Yes |
146 | Molnárová Monika | Technical University of Košice | Possible and universal robustness of Monge fuzzy matrices | Yes | Yes | Yes |
147 | Štichhauerová Eva | Technical University of Liberec | Optimization of the Transportation Plan with a Multicriterial Programming Method | Yes | Yes | Yes |
148 | Beránková Vendula | Technical University of Ostrava | OCA Index: Results for the EU’s member states | Yes | Yes | Yes |
149 | Berková Ilona | University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice | Recognition of spatial relationships of companies by local scaling | Yes | No | |
150 | Beneš Oldřich | Mendel University in Brno | Evaluation of the destructive test in medical devices manufacturing | Yes | Yes | Yes |
151 | Kučerová Zuzana | Technical University of Ostrava | The Role of Banking and Shadow Banking Sector in the Euro Area | Yes | Yes | Yes |
152 | Baďo Peter | Masaryk University | Economic growth affected by government debt | Yes | No | |
153 | Chocholata Michaela | University of Economics in Bratislava | Spatial Analysis of Regional Disparities in Slovak Districts | Yes | No | |
154 | Konôpková Zlatica | Masaryk University | Fiscal wars: Small economy in monetary union | Yes | No | |
155 | Palúch Stanislav | University of Zilina | Vehicle Scheduling with Roundabour Routes to Depot | Yes | Yes | Yes |
156 | Hrebicek Jiri | Masaryk University | Solving Dynamic Economic Models with Maple | Yes | No | |
157 | Pápai Adam | Masaryk University | Monetary Policy in an Economy with Frictional Labor Market - Case of Poland | Yes | Yes | Yes |
158 | Surmanová Kvetoslava | University of Economics in Bratislava | Long-term unemployment in terms of regions of Slovakia | Yes | Yes | Yes |
159 | Chribik Michal | Masaryk University | Predictive Ability of DSGE Model with Labour Market Frictions | Yes | No | |
160 | Vybíralová Iva | Technical University of Ostrava | The Impact of Labor Taxation on the Economic Growth | Yes | Yes | |
161 | Janackova Marta | University of Zilina | An importance of the population density for the location of the Emergency Medical Service stations | Yes | Yes | Yes |
162 | Kotlánová Eva | Silesian University in Opava | Income Inequality in V4plus Countries at NUTS 2 Level | Yes | Yes | Yes |
163 | Holý Vladimír | University of Economics in Prague | Impact of Microstructure Noise on Integrated Volatility Estimators: A Simulation Study | Yes | Yes | Yes |
164 | Fatemi Salina | Technical University of Ostrava | An MADM-based method to evaluate the cargo insurance products | Yes | No | |
165 | Holeček Pavel | Palacký University in Olomouc | A free software tool implementing the fuzzy AHP method | Yes | Yes | Yes |
166 | Teichmann Dusan | Technical University of Ostrava | Staffing planning for projects with multi-skilled workers | Yes | No | |
167 | Brozova Helena | Czech University of Life Sciences | Post-crisis development in the agricultural sector in the CR – Evidence by Malmquist index and its decomposition | Yes | Yes | Yes |
168 | Hlavatý Robert | Czech University of Life Sciences | Robust Optimization Approach in Transportation Problem | Yes | No | |
169 | Suchánek Petr | Silesian University in Opava | Application of the selected mathematical method for pricing of premium services in healthcare | Yes | No | |
170 | Janák Josef | Charles University | Fractional Brownian motion and parameter estimation | Yes | Yes | Yes |
171 | Vaňkátová Kristýna | Palacký University in Olomouc | Analysis of Income of EU Residents Using Finite Mixtures of Regression Models | Yes | Yes | Yes |
172 | Tomanová Petra | University of Economics in Prague | Measuring Comovements by Univariate and Multivariate Regression Quantiles: Evidence from Europe | Yes | Yes | Yes |
173 | Budaj Pavol | Catholic University in Ruzomberok | Specifies the use of Taguchi's loss function in industry and service sector | Yes | Yes | Yes |
174 | Pápai Adam | Masaryk University | Simulation of a DSGE Model of the Slovak Economy with Different Monetary Policy Regimes in a Zero Lower Bound Environment | Yes | No | |
175 | Malecka Marta | University of Lodz | Evaluation of Parametric ES Tests | Yes | Yes | Yes |
176 | Gad Mahmoud | Sohag University | Optimization Problems on Attainable Sets of Systems of (max,min)-Linear Equations | Yes | Yes | Yes |
177 | Koháni Michal | University of Zilina | Robust design of tariff zones in integrated transport systems | Yes | Yes | Yes |
178 | Mastalerz-Kodzis Adrianna | University of Economics in Katowice | Dynamic and spatial analysis of economic and labour market characteristics in european countries | Yes | Yes | Yes |
179 | Krištoufek Ladislav | The Czech Academy of Sciences | Capital market efficiency in the Ising model environment: Local and global effects | Yes | Yes | Yes |
180 | Sokol Ondrej | University of Economics in Prague | Interval data and sample variance: How to prove polynomiality on random data? | Yes | Yes | Yes |
181 | Kvasnička Michal | Masaryk University | Simulation framework for testing Piketty's predictions | Yes | Yes | Yes |
182 | Vaitkevičius Sigitas | Kaunas University of Technology | The Use of Cluster Analysis for Development of Categorical Factors in Exploratory Study: Facts and Findings from the Field Research | Yes | Yes | Yes |
183 | Kasem Edward | Mendel Univeristy in Brno | Mathematical Model for Sustainable Value Added Calculation | Yes | Yes | Yes |
184 | Litavcová Eva | University of Presov | On modelling of macroeconomic context of current economic development | Yes | Yes | Yes |
185 | Chytilová Lucie | Technical University of Ostrava | Banking efficiency in the Visegrad Group according to Data Envelopment Analysis | Yes | Yes | Yes |
186 | Marek Jaroslav | University of Pardubice | Analysis in a time series of milk-yield production | Yes | Yes | Yes |
187 | Skocdopolova Veronika | University of Economics in Prague | A Comparison of Integer Goal Programming Models for Timetabling | Yes | Yes | Yes |
188 | Houda Michal | University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice | Stochastic Data Envelopment Analysis via Chance Constrained Optimization | Yes | No | |
189 | Dluhoš Martin | University of Economics in Bratislava | Using portfolio theory in the second pension pillar in Slovakia - searching for efficent set of portfolios | Yes | No | |
190 | Chvátalová Zuzana | Brno University of Technology | Optimization of Warehouse Inventory in Company | Yes | Yes | |
191 | Kříž Radko | University of Pardubice | Finding Chaos in GDP and Its Prediction | Yes | No | |
192 | Gavurova Beata | Technical University of Kosice | Quantification of amenable mortality in assessing health care system performance | Yes | Yes | Yes |
193 | Polanecký Lukáš | The Institute of Technology and Business | Elementary application of ordinary differential equations in practice | Yes | No | |
194 | Matějka Martin | University of Economics in Prague | Mixing Mortality Data Approach Using Czech Cohort Data | Yes | Yes | Yes |
195 | Kopa Miloš | Charles University | Portfolio selection problem with the third-order stochastic dominance constraints | Yes | Yes | Yes |
196 | Pośpiech Ewa | University of Economics in Katowice | Spatial modelling of selected economic characteristics | Yes | No | |
197 | Warzecha Katarzyna | University of Economics in Katowice | The similarity of EU Countries in Terms of Acquiring The Energy from Renewable Sources | Yes | Yes | Yes |
198 | Cechura Lukas | Czech University of Life Sciences Prague | Cost Flexibility of Czech Agricultural Producers | Yes | No | |
199 | Buček Jakub | Masaryk University | Fiscal Policy for the 21st Century: Does #barackobama Effect the Real Economic Policy? | Yes | Yes | Yes |
200 | Čekmeová Petra | Masaryk University | Labour Market Institutions and Total Factor Productivity. An Evidence in the European Union | Yes | Yes | Yes |
201 | Fryd Lukas | University of Economics in Prague | Granger Causality in Macroeconomics Panel Data | Yes | Yes | Yes |
202 | Perzina Radomir | Silesian University in Opava | Tool for Solving Multicriteria Decision Problems with Fuzzy Elements on Alo-Group | Yes | Yes | Yes |
203 | Končiková Veronika | Masaryk University | China and EU as trade competitors: different methodological approaches | Yes | Yes | Yes |
204 | Hanclova Jana | Technical University of Ostrava | A two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis Model with application to banking industry in the Visegrad Group | Yes | Yes | Yes |
205 | Beranek Ladislav | University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice | Sentiment Prediction on E-commerce Sites Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory | Yes | Yes | Yes |
206 | Draženská Emília | Technical University of Košice | On the crossing numbers of special graphs | Yes | No | |
207 | Nowak Maciej | University of Economics in Katowice | Multiple Criteria Decision Making with Decision Trees and Real Options in Project Enviroment | Yes | No | |
208 | Sukač Vojtěch | Palacký University in Olomouc | Soft consensus in decision-making model using partial goals method | Yes | Yes | Yes |
209 | Vojáčková Hana | College of Polytechnics Jihlava | Data Envelopment Analysis Applied on the Potencial of the Tourism in Municipalities | Yes | No | |
210 | Pančík Juraj | College of Banking | Modernisation of fatigue test machines and process optimization in an automotive components testing | Yes | No | |
211 | Kuncova Martina | University of Economics in Prague | Cost Minimization and Electricity Consumption Growth in the Czech Households in Case of the New Conditions | Yes | Yes | Yes |
212 | Kupkovič Patrik | University of Economics in Bratislava | The Analysis of Monetary and Fiscal Policy of Little Economics in Monetary Union | No | No | |
213 | Říhová Pavla | University of West Bohemia | Research of the Impact of Events on Investors´ Expectations and the Share Price Development | Yes | No | |
214 | Arabmaldar Aliasghar | Technical university of Ostrava | Ranking of efficiency score in DEA by using robust super-efficiency model | Yes | No | |
215 | Rada Miroslav | University of Economics in Prague | Finite game with vector payoffs: how to determine weights and payoff bounds under linear scalarization | Yes | Yes | Yes |
218 | Kocourek Aleš | Technical university of Liberec | Modelling of Regional Price Levels in the Districts of the Czech Republic | Yes | Yes | Yes |
219 | Vošvrda Miloslav | The Czech Academy of Sciences | Capital market efficiency in the Ising model environment: Local and global effects | Yes | Yes | Yes |
220 | Jenčová Sylvia | University of Presov | On modelling of macroeconomic context of current economic development | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Some abstracts do not meet formal requirements. We´d like to ask you to check your abstracts again to follow instructions below. Abstract must have at least 900 characters (spaces included) and not contain images or mathematical formulas. |
List of passive participants
ID | Participant name | University | Payment received |
901 | Vašíček Osvald | Masaryk University | Yes |
902 | Kapounek Svatopluk | Mendel University in Brno | Yes |
903 | Černá Lenka | University of Zilina | Yes |
904 | Ponicky Jan | University of Zilina | Yes |
906 | Šubrt Tomáš | DSE FEM CULS Prague | Yes |
908 | Ťoupal Tomáš | University of West Bohemia | Yes |
909 | Teichmann Dusan | Technical University of Ostrava | Yes |
910 | Graf Vojtech | Technical University of Ostrava | Yes |
911 | Plevný Miroslav | University of West Bohemia | |
912 | Rodrigues Márcio Vitor Tonhá | Universidade Federal da Bahia | Yes |
913 | Šimanová Jana | Technical university of Liberec | Yes |
914 | Finěk Václav | Technical University of Liberec | Yes |
915 | Gurinová Kateřina | Technical University of Liberec | Yes |
916 | Hovorková Valentová Vladimíra | Technical University of Liberec | Yes |
917 | Toloo Mehdi | Technical University of Ostrava | Yes |
918 | Haloun Tomáš | Czech University of Life Sciences Prague | Yes |